“The Work is Worth It”
We always knew our cheerFIT Ambassador community is filled with leaders and motivators who all share the passion for fitness, love for cheering and drive to help inspire others. We know our community has some pretty amazing people, but little did we know much about everyone’s story, their success and their challenges – until we were chatting with ambassador Emma Barclay and her mother.
Emma’s inspirational story blew us away and we are honored to kick off our ‘Ambassador of the Week’ feature with Emma Barclay.
When I was 7 years old I was really sick for about 2 weeks. My parents took me to the doctor over and over but they couldn’t figure it out. They kept giving me different medications and every night I would throw up everything. After getting really sick and losing 7 lbs my parents took me to the ER. They said I had a stomach bug hydrated me and sent me home. The next day I threw up 30 times from 3am till 12pm and my mom took me back in. They put me in a room right away and when my dad came in he was rubbing my head and said he felt a lump. They took me for a CT scan and when the doctor came in she looked very concerned and in a shocked voice said, ‘I don’t know how to tell you this but you have swelling around your brain and we are going to rush you in an ambulance to children’s downtown’.
My parents were very scared. When I got there they said I had to have an MRI and a spinal tap. They put me to sleep and after I came back and said I had viral meningitis. That night all the pain started setting in. Light, sounds and moving all hurt so bad.. The next morning I woke up in a lot of pain and I called my mom over to lay down with me. She held me in her arms and I started having a Grand mall seizure. My mom says I seized for 45 mins all the way up to ICU.After that I ended up in a coma for 4 days and the seizure pushed the Meningitis swelling around the brain into encephalitis infection in the brain. While I was in a coma I flat lined twice and would scream so loud and tears would run down my face.
The doctors told my parents I would probably never wake up and if I did I would be a vegetable.
I had to have 5 feeding tubes put in and even though I was in a coma I would pull them out. It was late at night when I finally woke up. I had slurred speech and couldn’t open my eyes. All I wanted was water. It was then that everyone realized I had lost the ability to sit up, walk, talk, feed myself, use the bathroom basically anything.
The next morning I was propped up in bed when the doctor came in he said hi to my parents and when I said hi to him he almost fell over.
He smiled so big and say, ‘wow you most definitely are a miracle’.
From there I got moved out of ICU and began a lot of therapy. I worked hard and after 15 days, I got to finally go home. I left in a wheelchair and promised to go to rehab everyday 2 times a day until dismissed. This was the beginning of June.
By the middle of August 1 week before school started I was dismissed from therapy.
1 year to the day of getting out of the hospital was when I told my parents I wanted to do cheer.
They almost passed out and immediately said no.
After a lot of prayer and 1 determined little girl (ME) they finally said ok. My doctors all dismissed me and said they’ve never seen someone have what I had and come back like I did. I was so skinny and tiny when I started cheer on a junior 2 team. I progressed really fast in flying and tumbling but my body couldn’t handle it. I ended up getting a bilateral pars fracture in my L4 and L5 in my back.
So basically I broke my back in 2 places. I was out for about 10 weeks but I did still fly I just didn’t pull anything and I didn’t jump or tumble. I was supposed to be out for 15 weeks but healed faster. Because of this I have lost a lot of flexibility in my back and still have pain. It’s something that can be reoccurring so
it is important that I constantly strengthen my core and workout my back
I am now on a senior level 4 team and I’m working on strengthening my level for tumbling and starting my full. cheerFIT is perfect for me because I can work my core and my back in a safe way. I really do look at every day as a gift and I thank God everyday that I’m still here. I know God has a purpose for me and I work hard and never give up to show him I’m thankful for that gift.
Thank you for letting me share my story. –cheerFIT Ambassador Emma Barclay
“The work is worth it and to never give up on your dreams” <– Emma, we could not agree with you more!
I love the family that I have now to help me with this journey of getting fit. Knowing that I can ask any question and also feel supported and encouraged to reach my goals.Being an ambassador has helped me gain flexibility in my back. I’ve been staying in my stunts better and have had less pain with every tumble pass. I feel confident and extremely motivated.
- Infinity cheer shoes
- Cheer bows
- Rock Your Hair Hair Spray
Thank you Emma for sharing your story. You are a true motivation and inspiration to us all! I hope you enjoyed our first CHEERFIT AMBASSADOR HIGHLIGHT– there are more coming your way soon!
Stay FIT <3,
cheerFIT is so much more than just a workout brand – we are a lifestyle, a community and an inspiration. We are a community who is strengthened through fitness – both mentally and physically. It is our mission to spread the awareness that cheerleaders need fitness. We are dedicated to building a community of strong, powerful individuals who are a true inspiration to their team and leaders in their community. Together we are disrupting the traditional methods of fitness training and revolutionizing the way people think about cheerleading and their fitness needs! Are you the next cheerFIT Ambassador? Apply today.
Wow!!! Remarkable story, fierce girl! You are a true inspiration!