How to Stay Fit in the Off Season
Honestly cheerleaders don’t have an offseason! We use the summer time to perfect and gain new skills to incorporate into our routines. Therefore, it is especially important to take care of your body during this time so when competition season rolls around you will be prepared! Here are my top tips to keep you on the right track during the summer.
Tip 1: Make a Workout Schedule
The best way to stay fit during the off season is obviously to work out! Dedicating as little as thirty minutes a day to exercise can make all of the difference. I make a schedule at the beginning of the season based on my practice days. I try to organize my more strenuous workouts on the days I don’t have practice. So on a practice day I may just focus on some at home workouts, but when I don’t have practice I go for a run or to the gym!
Some of my daily exercises consist of crunches, squats, planks, and candlesticks. I also love switching up my routines with new exercises using a yoga ball, weights, or a medicine ball. Another way to make workouts fun is to have an exercise partner!
Whether you just meet up and go on a run together or do buddy workouts it’s always motivating to have someone to exercise with you!

Tip 2: Make Time to Stretch
Believe it or not stretching plays a big part in working out. Always take time to stretch before you work out so you don’t pull a muscle, as well as afterwards to cool your body down. Daily stretching is especially important for flyers to improve flexibility. If you are a base or back spot you may want to incorporate hand weights into your daily routine to build up arm strength.
Everyone should work on jumps! Some of my favorite exercises are straddle leg lifts and v-ups with ankle weights on. This way when you take the ankle weights off it makes your jumps much higher!
I have also found having a weekly fitness goal helps to keep me on track!
Tip 3: Eat Healthy
Healthy eating is another important part of fitness. It gives your body a boost of nutrients and makes you feel more energized. There is so much fresh produce during the summer months. I love visiting local farmers markets and stands to get fresh fruits and vegetables!
Hydration and nutrition go hand in hand. At my gym we do not have an air conditioning so it is especially important to stay hydrated! I carry a bottle of water with me wherever I go.
After long hot summer days make sure you get plenty of rest, so you will be on top of your game for practices!

Tip 4: Become a CHEERFIT Ambassador
My best advice…become a CHEERFIT Ambassador! It is one of the best decisions I made and perfect for the off season!! Each week, I get new workouts and can share my journey with other Ambassadors around the world! I love knowing that I can log into the CHEERFIT Club, anytime and have a customized workout ready for me : )

Belle Fabian
I am sixteen years old and live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am going on my seventh year as a competitive cheerleader and cheer at Cheer Extreme Charlotte.