Does your cheerleader need a confidence boost?

Does your cheerleader need a confidence boost?

Ever hear the phrase, “confidence is key“? It’s oh so true..confidence is that secret ingredient that will help your cheerleader advance their skills, bust out of that mental block, and truly SHINE both on and off the mat! If you’re sensing some frustration or stuck in a mental block with your athlete, we’ve got the answers for you!

In this blog, I’m personally sharing my top 3 tips to help your cheerleader stay motivated and rock that confidence 24/7!! 


The trick to staying motivated is setting goals and having a plan. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the MOTIVATIONAL PLANK HOLD! (PS: this is one of my personal fav’ go-to CHEERFIT tips!)

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This is how it works:

  1. Write down your top 3 summer goals
  2. Hold a plank (30-60 seconds)
  3. While in the plank, repeat your goals out loud and visualize each new skill in your head (yes all while in a plank)

Parents, this is a great one for you to do with your athletes and lead by example : )

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Yes, say that 10 times fast : ) Ok, so this now is what you want to do right after the motivational plank challenge. First, we want to set goals, then we want to BUST THROUGH any negative thoughts so our goals can happen!

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Here is how:

  1. Mountain Climber time (30-60 seconds)
  2. While climbing those mountains you want to bust through any negative thoughts that creep in
  3. Tell yourself, “I’ve got this!” “There is nothing that can hold me back!” “I am CHEERFIT STRONG!!

Parents again, time to show your cheerleader that negative thoughts mean NOTHING. We’d recommend doing this with them!



Ok, so this is the ULTIMATE TIP! Listen up..I

In order to build that confidence, you have to be strong both mentally and physically! And that is where CHEERFIT comes in! We are a fitness community for cheerleaders, here to support your cheerleader stay motivated, overcome challenges and be supported every step of the way!

BECOME A CHEERFIT AMBASSADOR and get ready to for an instant burst of motivation, confidence, and fun!


is the go-to fitness expert for the cheerleading industry and founder of CHEERFIT (www.cheerfittraining.com). Danielle holds national fitness certifications through the American Council on Exercise and specializes in sports conditioning, youth fitness, and group fitness as it pertains specifically to cheerleaders. Danielle has been featured on NBC,Inside Cheerleading Magazine, FITNESS Magazine, Livestrong, Yahoo Beauty, NY Post, American Cheerleader Magazine and more. Through fitness, Danielle focuses on helping cheerleaders build the confidence, strength, and flexibility they need to reach their goals and prevent injury.

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How to Stay Fit in the Off Season

How to Stay Fit in the Off Season

Honestly cheerleaders don’t have an offseason! We use the summer time to perfect and gain new skills to incorporate into our routines. Therefore, it is especially important to take care of your body during this time so when competition season rolls around you will be prepared! Here are my top tips to keep you on the right track during the summer.

Tip 1: Make a Workout Schedule

The best way to stay fit during the off season is obviously to work out! Dedicating as little as thirty minutes a day to exercise can make all of the difference. I make a schedule at the beginning of the season based on my practice days. I try to organize my more strenuous workouts on the days I don’t have practice. So on a practice day I may just focus on some at home workouts, but when I don’t have practice I go for a run or to the gym!

Some of my daily exercises consist of crunches, squats, planks, and candlesticks. I also love switching up my routines with new exercises using a yoga ball, weights, or a medicine ball. Another way to make workouts fun is to have an exercise partner!

Whether you just meet up and go on a run together or do buddy workouts it’s always motivating to have someone to exercise with you! 

Tip 2: Make Time to Stretch

Believe it or not stretching plays a big part in working out. Always take time to stretch before you work out so you don’t pull a muscle, as well as afterwards to cool your body down. Daily stretching is especially important for flyers to improve flexibility. If you are a base or back spot you may want to incorporate hand weights into your daily routine to build up arm strength.

Everyone should work on jumps! Some of my favorite exercises are straddle leg lifts and v-ups with ankle weights on. This way when you take the ankle weights off it makes your jumps much higher!

I have also found having a weekly fitness goal helps to keep me on track! 

Tip 3: Eat Healthy

Healthy eating is another important part of fitness. It gives your body a boost of nutrients and makes you feel more energized. There is so much fresh produce during the summer months. I love visiting local farmers markets and stands to get fresh fruits and vegetables!

Hydration and nutrition go hand in hand. At my gym we do not have an air conditioning so it is especially important to stay hydrated! I carry a bottle of water with me wherever I go.

After long hot summer days make sure you get plenty of rest, so you will be on top of your game for practices! 

Tip 4: Become a CHEERFIT Ambassador

My best advice…become a CHEERFIT Ambassador! It is one of the best decisions I made and perfect for the off season!! Each week, I get new workouts and can share my journey with other Ambassadors around the world! I love knowing that I can log into the CHEERFIT Club, anytime and have a customized workout ready for me : )

Belle Fabian

I am sixteen years old and live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am going on my seventh year as a competitive cheerleader and cheer at Cheer Extreme Charlotte.

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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The 6 Tips Every Cheerleader Should Know

The 6 Tips Every Cheerleader Should Know

Sometimes, the best advice comes from those right in your shoes. Today, we share the 6 tips every cheerleader should know!


This is easy enough to even do at HOME!

Some easy ways to make sure you are properly stretched include pointing your toes and working on flexibility! This can help get your skills PERFECT! You can even ask someone to help you!


Pointing toes is a big deal!

Point your toes for tumbling, jumps, stretching, cradling, and any kind of stunt while being in the air! Little things like simply pointing your toes can make a HUGE difference on the scoreboard!


You want to condition yourself to your limit!

You can condition yourself when getting out of the shower or when you get home from practice! The three of us conditioned with the CHEERFIT BOOTCAMP WORKOUT DVD and we loved it! It was absolutely awesome and we strongly recommend it!


Stay tight to prevent injuries for ANYONE!

When stunting it is important to keep your body tight. Last thing you want is to injury your stunt group in the middle of a stunt combination. Not staying tight can also increase the chances of falling and not being caught by your stunt group. Remember to also smile and go full out in your performances!


Just because practice is over, don’t mean you have to STOP WORKING!

Always work on your tumbling even when you’re not at practice. You are able to practice during your free time at home or even if your gym is having an “Open Gym” event! Go in and work on your tumbling! PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! 


Don’t follow any “Cheer Fails” on INSTAGRAM! IT’S A TRAP!

Don’t feed into NEGATIVE videos/post on Social Media. These things will just mentally bring you down! It is important to stay positive and feed yourself things that will help you mentally and physically to succeed. “Chloe showed me a fail video of a back tuck and now I refused to do it!” STAY POSITIVE and just go for it! With a positive mind, anything is possible!

Tune in to get these tips and more from CHEERFIT Ambassador, Sarah.

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Hi! My name is Sarah, I am a CHEERFIT Ambassador and current cheerleader. These 6 tips have truly helped me a lot, and I hope they can help you too! Together with these tips and CHEERFIT.. have gotten so many new skills! I love to share my journey with the world, and hope to inspire you to reach your goals with the help of these tips!

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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The Top 5 Things to Know for Tryouts

The Top 5 Things to Know for Tryouts


With the craziness of competition season, it is easy to find yourself skimping on your daily workouts…



As an athlete it is very important to keep your body in tip top shape all through out the year. So pump up the jams and get to work on your favorite workout. Some of my personal picks are the CHEERFIT Bootcamp DVD and the IG LIVE Tuesday Workout Parties on Instagram.

Anything that works for you personally to get you in the frame of mind to push a little harder is what you need!


Nutrition plays a big part in helping you feel energized. Fuel your body with fruits and veggies and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! All of the extra workouts and practices take a toll on your body and in addition to exercising and eating right you should also make sure you get enough sleep.

Tryouts can be very stressful and your body needs its rest in order to perform your best!


Confidence plays a huge part in your success as a cheerleader. For me, this has been the biggest obstacle to overcome. I have been battling a mental block on and off for a little over a year now. I just couldn’t understand why my mind wasn’t allowing me to throw skills I had for years and was really hard on myself. I know now that I am often my own biggest enemy and the only person holding me back. Once I realized this I found it so much easier to relax and just do my thing. I am throwing my skills again, but I think some days will always be harder than others.

For anyone struggling through a mental block I just want to let you know that you’ve got this, once you believe in yourself the



Show your coaches that you are putting in FULL EFFORT. If you are struggling with a specific skill this is especially important. It is important to regularly attend tumble class, but with tryouts approaching it’s never a bad idea to go to a few extra tumble classes, set up a few privates, or go to open gym. Most gyms also provide clinics before tryouts, these really help me out! They give you a feel of what your coaches are looking for and usually a run down of how tryout day will go and give you a chance to clean up your skills. I went to all of the clinics my gym offered last year and found that it helped ease my nerves before the big day.

When your coaches see that you are trying your very hardest to nail your skills they will be MORE willing to HELP YOU!


Your coaches know what you are capable of. Trust them, even if you may not be placed on the team of your dreams. Our coaches always have our best interest at heart! There are a lot of different factors that go into making a successful team, not just tumbling and stunting skills. A coaches job is to give their team the best chance they can have at winning throughout the season and they will put you in a team that you WILL EXCEL ON!

Belle Fabian

I am sixteen years old and live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am going on my seventh year as a competitive cheerleader and cheer at Cheer Extreme Charlotte.

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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How My Daughter Inspired Me to Get #CHEERFITSTRONG

How My Daughter Inspired Me to Get #CHEERFITSTRONG

Being motivated, having confidence within yourself and having someone else have confidence in you,
having the support and encouragement to try is what being #CHEERFITSTRONG is about.

“Hey Mom, Let’s work out!”

I see this in my daughter, Savannah, who has been an ambassador since July 2016. When she came
up to me one day and said “hey mom, let’s work out,” I admit I was a bit skeptical. Okay, I take that back,
I was rather hesitant. I am not in the best shape, would rather do a million things other than get my
“fitness” on, but I gave in. We started on out with stretching and watching the CHEERFIT Training DVD,
we did some walking everynight when it was nice out (we live in NY…it gets cold fast). We put on some
workout music and do our workout routine. Savannah is 10 and she is keeping a log of my progress

When you have someone else to help you along the way, it really makes this thing called a workout a lot
more fun. Trust me, as you get older it’s a lot harder than it seems to get motivated and find the energy
to put in the work. Cheerleaders certainly do know how to pump you up and encourage you to keep
going and push yourself. Plus it doesn’t hurt if that very cheerleader happens to be your daughter.

So get out there Cheer Moms! Join the CHEERFIT Movement with your cheerleader and discover that you can also be…


Tara Hulett

A mom of three.  My two daughters have been cheering since they were each two years old.  I’ve been a “Cheer Mom” for eleven years and going strong.

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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Insider Tips & Secrets for Stretching

Insider Tips & Secrets for Stretching

Have you ever heard of a cheerleader being TOO flexible? Didn’t think so! Flexibility is a key component in this sport, and it is certainly not just a term we use for our flyers! All cheerleaders need the flexibility to be well-rounded athletes, and there are many exercises and stretches you can do to gain flexibility in all areas.

As a coach and cheer mom, I put together some of my favorite tips for you:

This is CHEERFIT Ambassador, Gabrielle. The photo on the left was Gabrielle’s toe touch in January. After committing to resistance stretching and jump exercises for just 8 weeks, she was able to increase her jump flexibility to the photo taken on the right in March.


If you are feeling “stuck” with your flexibility, the first step would be to work on your core and the muscles surrounding the area you’d like to become more flexible. Many times, the core is not strong enough and the muscles are too weak to excel in some areas so stretching needs to come as an addition to a regimented conditioning program. Think of the stretching as the icing on the cake to strong, conditioned muscles. For example, if you have all of your splits but still don’t have high jumps, you may need to work your hip flexors, core, calf muscles, and even shoulders to get your jump height and flexibility to the next level!


The best way to increase flexibility is to stick to a conditioning and stretching schedule and be held accountable for yourself. The exercises you do at practice are probably not enough to see a drastic difference, and so I recommend you take extra classes that your gym may offer or work out at home for optimal results.


  • I have made a weekly stretch calendar for my flyers in the past, and a parent needs to sign it each night.
  • If you take a “before” photo of yourself, you’ll be more motivated to reach your goal and super proud when you compare your “after” photo weeks later!

Be patient and stay focused and remember you will not see results overnight. All well trained athletes have a plan that they stick to, and a positive mindset and a determined attitude will help get you on track. Do not give up; it is always harder to get started than it is to finish. Keep your head high, and do not let yourself down!


My last tip is to take help where you can get it!

Here are some ideas:

  • Does your gym offer stretching classes?  
  • Pick up a pair of ankle weights or resistance bands to further enhance the stretching process as well.
  • How about asking mom or dad for help at home with assisted stretching, or find a workout partner!

It is more effective to stretch with assistance because it widens the range of motion and deepens the stretch for more effectiveness!

Use a panel mat for over splits if you already have your splits. Use a wall to walk up and down in bridges, and for balance when stretching or pulling body positions. Use a trampoline for increasing power and flexibility in your jumps.

These two photos show the improvement in flexibility from Alaina from Premier All Stars. The first photo was taken in July when Alaina first entered the world of all star cheer. The second photo was taken in March when Alaina had been committing to two flyer stretch classes a week at her gym.

There are plenty of resources for you to become a more flexible athlete. Don’t forget to put your CHEERFIT membership to use by putting on an archived workout video and having fun while improving your flexibility!

And there you have it! My favorite ideas and tips to help you improve and advance.


s currently a coach at Premier All Stars in Morganville, NJ. She has coached cheerleading for 19 years, at all ages and levels, and is well educated and highly experienced in all areas of cheer. Pictured is Jen with her 3 daughters Kaylee, Gianna, and Gabriella, who all cheer for Premier as well.

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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