A New Mindset..A HUGE Transformation
Transformations come in all shapes and sizes and focus on more than improving flexibility. Today’s Transformation story is all about improving STRENGTH – both mentally and physically! We are so proud of #cheerfitambassador Ashley Evans and E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G she stands for! Ashley says, “watch out male bases a new generation of girls are coming up!”
Ashley’s goal is to be a college level co-ed base as a female -something that has not been seen or done…YET!! And we are here supporting her every step of the way!

In order to set new goals, challenge yourself, and step outside of your comfort zone ..you’ve got to be #CHEERFITSTRONG and this girl is all that and more! We are so impressed with Ashley’s determination and will to challenge herself…so we checked in to see if she could share a few tips!
Q: Ashley how do you stay focused on reaching new goals?
Ashley shares..
1.Stay Determined:“There is NO force equal to that of a determined young woman!”
2. Surround yourself with a positive and supportive community
3. Do the workouts: My favorite part of being a CHEERFIT Ambassador are the variety workouts : ) They help me to be #cheerfitstrong both mentally and physically!
FAVORITE QUOTE: “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals”
Ashley, we are so proud of you and love the positive message you are sharing with the world! Keep doing your thing girl!! We can’t wait to see you crush every goal and transform the cheerleading world as we know it! Your CHEERFIT fam’ is here rooting you on every step of the way!
Danielle & Your CHEERFIT Fam