The Mindset You Need to Overcome Injury
Today we meet #cheerfitambassador Hava – one spunky, energetic, and motivated girl, here to show us never to let any challenges stand in your way! Hava shares how CHEERFIT has motivated and inspired her to work through her injury..and how you can too! Our girl Hava has transformed in so many ways – overcoming injury, building confidence, and getting her needle by actively doing the core & stretching CHEERFIT Workouts!
Hava’s story reminders us to stay motivated and not to let the frustration of an injury stand in your way! Instead, think what CAN I do while injured? Focus on the other muscles that you CAN work on. With that kind of mindset, you’re on your way to rocking your #cheerfitstrong!
We are so proud of Hava for staying strong..#CHEERFITSTRONG during injury! We checked in to ask Hava to share her top tips and advice for you, and this is what she said…
To stay positive and motived during injury I…
- Stay Positive: keep your mind focused during and after the injury. Remeber, your injury is only temporary..it will heal!
- Keep Working: keep working, no matter what your injury is you can always do something. CHEERFIT is a great place to find exercises for any top of muscle group
- .Surround yourself with positive support: CHEERFIT gives you the support of friends to lift you up and encourage you.
I hope these tips help you ..just like they helped me : )
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Remember the power of yet. There is a difference in I can’t do it and I can’t do it yet.”
FOLLOW MY CHEERFIT JOURNEY: @hava_bofficially (IG)
WOO!! Thank you, Hava for sharing your inspiring story and tips!! Thanks for reminding us all how to stay motivated through injury and stay #CHEERFITSTRONG in body and mind! We love sharing stories like Hava’s and we are so happy to help inspire the world through her journey! Hava, thanks for being part of the CHEERFIT fam!! You are amazing and we love hearing about all your success .- keep doing your thing girl!!
Danielle & Your CHEERFIT Fam