A November to Remeber
Hi Friends!
Wow, so November is here and things definitely start to pick up and get a little cray crayyy. Between holidays, competition season, traveling,holiday parties and all that good stuff – there is just not enough time in the day. Or is there??
Here at cheerFIT we are committed to maximizing every ounce of time and living life to the fullest. As I reflect back on the year and look to make this a November to Remember – here are some cheerFIT tips of how you can too!
Tip #1: Make a to-do list each day and stick to it
The NUMBER ONE (yes I repeat #1 tip) that I have learned and have been making a conscious effort to follow is this:
- Each day, make a to do list of what you want to accomplish.
- Schedule estimated times that it will take for each task and go get to it.
- Even more important – do not answer emails during scheduled tasks! Emails are reactive and I want you to be proactive. Yes, of course include time to answer emails – but during your schedule time to get work done, study, workout – you name it – step A-W-A-Y from your emails!
I have been trying this nifty little tip out and, it workS! I want to make it a November to Remember and be able to look back on what I have accomplished.
Tip #2: Take time to say thank you
Here is a tip that you will never regret – take time to say thank you!
Ok, so you know the smile project I was talking about last month? This tip goes hand in hand with that. You want to take time to say thank you and appreciate those who help you. Saying a simple thank you, sharing a smile or scheduling in some ‘fun time’ goes a long way. A special thank you to the cheerFIT team for helping us make this a November to Remember!

Bus tour fun with our rockstar employees

cheerFIT Captain Love

Ambassador Lovin’
Tip #3: Schedule in me time
Yes everyone needs a little me time. No this is not selfish – it is necessary to help YOU be more productive. For me, my me time is working out. Oh! Super important reminder- I do not work out with my phone. Nope I don’t check emails, answer calls, check social media – none of that during my me time.
Do you need some help scheduling in that me time? Schedule a free consultation with ME (your cheer fitness trainer and motivator) and I will personally help you find that me time and make this a November to Remember!
Well, there you have it friends – my top 3 tips to make this a November to Remember. How are you making this November count? Leave a comment and share your tips. We would love to hear from you!
Stay FIT,