Hey hey, listen up..I’ve got some insider secrets to share to help your cheerleader improve their flexibility and strengthen their core!
Now when we think flexibility, most of us think lower back, right? BUT did you know the key to increase flexibility in your lower back is to STRENGTHEN your core! You see, your lower back and core go hand in hand. You can’t improve flexibility in your lower back if you do not have a strong core.
So let’s start no strengthening our core to improve flexibility!
Here are a few favorite exercises to try!

*All videos for each exercise are found inside the CHEERFIT Club! CLICK HERE to join the Club and get 24/7 access to hundreds of cheer workouts
Each of these exercises are specifically designed to help your cheerleader strengthen their core and build the strength they need to IMPROVE flexibility!
Say it with us, in order to improve flexibility you have to build STRENGTH! Strengthening those muscles that help increase your range of motion = improved flexibility!
So focus on strengthening your CORE (see workout above) and I promise, your flexibility will improve!
A strong core = advanced flexibility!
PS, if you’d like in on all the how-to exercise videos and weekly cheer workouts join the CHEERFIT Club and
become a CHEERFIT Ambassador!

And there you have it, How to Help your Cheerleader Improve Flexibility & Strengthen Their Core in 3,2,1…GO! Let me know your favorite tip, and share your flexibility tips in the comments below!

is the go-to fitness expert for the cheerleading industry and founder of CHEERFIT (www.