Phew! It’s been a long, crazy 5 weeks! First, I have loved every minute of this tour! I have loved meeting each and everyone of you! I love getting your Direct messages on my Instagram page and I love responding to you! If you see me out at a competition, please don’t worry about asking to have a picture with me or talking to me. I don’t bite! I love it! I have had the opportunity to meet and make contacts with such amazing people!
Of course I have to mention and give some huge thanks. My trainers while on tour, Korey Taurez and Dana Brown of Cheer Nation in Tallahassee! I seriously can not say enough about you guys and will always have a special place for you both in my heart always! Again if you are looking for a great tumble and cheer gym in Tallahassee, Cheer Nation is the place to be! I next have to thank Mrs. Jennifer CiFuentes, Editor and Chief of Atlanta Cheer magazine! You have had my back! I love you guys so very much! Thank you for inviting me to be featured in your magazine and thank you for introducing me to your two amazing children, Juliana and Ari! World, these two are doing HUGE things in the entertainment industry! They will be in major tv shows and movies this coming year! Mrs Barbie and Hannah Stark from TLC’s Kim of Queens! Thank you so much for your love and support! I can’t wait to see you guys when I head down again in a few months and work together! I’ll always be so proud of you Hannah for all you have over come and all you stand for in a crazy industry! Rosa and Girli Girl Boutique! Thank you for the encouragement to continue with my anti bullying and self confidence platform and for helping me pick out the perfect special appearance dress! My Mom and Dad. I can’t thank you enough for helping me do this. I don’t know many parents that would pile 2 babies into a car and drive all over to help their kid make appearances and how much my Mom had to keep track of while I was gone! And especially, Ms Danielle! Thank you for choosing me to be your Tween ambassador! I know you never had one before and I can never thank you enough for believing in me and taking a chance on this tour! It has helped so many learn the importance of conditioning and self confidence! I hope you all realize your weight doesn’t measure your importance and your beauty!
We left off while I was in South Ga. I traveled to Miami where I trained for 3 days at THE Top Gun! I was nervous but Korey is from that gym and assured me I’d be ok. I was the only one there who wasn’t a member of Top Gun! But Coach Victor is outstanding! You quickly realize why they are at the top of most cheerleaders dream teams! A few recognized me from my Instagram page and began talking to me about CHEERFIT. I love to talk about CHEERFIT and we did a few of the exercises together which was super fun!
After leaving Miami, my next destination was Palm Beach. This is where my mom was born and so was I. We try to get back adleast once a year to visit. I really enjoyed doing my CHEERFIT workouts with a few teens who gathered on the docks of beautiful Palm Beach Shores (thank you Mayor John Workman) and my CHEERFIT challenge at Embacy Suites in Palm Beach Gardens where I was accompanied by Royal Swans! Yes swans! These two Swans were gifts from the Royal family and actually belonged to them years ago. Their names were Bach and Beethoven! Every time I went to do my challenges, there they were and they made it into my challenge video! They were simply too cute to be left out!
Then it was off to Atlanta Georgia. Wow that city is big and the traffic is crazy! Poor mommy was trying to tell Daddy where to go while Daddy was excited to see some Grady hospital used in the Walking Dead!? I had the privilege of working with famed tumble coach, Tonya Rice. You may recognize the last name. That’s because her daughter is “the Queen of tumble” Angel Rice! They have a term called being Tonynized, and they were right! I worked out at ATA cheer gym in Cummins, Ga with her and I was literally red and soaked in sweat after 2 hours! But she is an outstanding coach and helps you get skills quickly! She is worth the time if she happens to be in town or comes to your gym with a clinic. I was also given the special privilege of being featured in Atlanta cheer magazine! They have gone completely digital and I will be featured in their first episode! I talked to them about CHEERFIT and we did the CHEERFIT challenge and sample workouts with Spicy from Georgia Heat and Ari from Flip City South! I really want to thank the owners and coaches of ATA cheer for allowing me to use their gym and film there! It was wonderful to meet fellow FSU loves that far North! And again, thank you Mr Sebastian and Mrs Jennifer from Atlanta Cheer for the exceptionally rare opportunity!
I’m now back in Tn. School starts in a couple of weeks and I’ll be heading to Jr high! I’m back in my gym and I missed my cheer family so very very much! I also really want to thank Hayle, Lindsey, Macey, Jody, Jada, McKenzie, Hugh and Skylar for supporting me while away! I love you all so very much and you are the best! I couldn’t have done this without knowing you all were behind me 100%. It’s time to get back to the grind and make this coming season spectacular!
Remember to always put your all into everything you do! If you don’t, you are only cheating yourself!
Love, hugs and back handsprings
Eden Lucie

Eden is a 10 year old All Star Cheerleader and Power tumbler from Carthage, Tn. Eden’s passion is tumble and cheerleading and her future goals are to continue with All Stars, while cheering in Jr high, high school and onto College. Eden is a straight A student and participates in numerous charities and true believe of fitness.