You never know who you will meet in life and how they will affect your future. I am a huge Kim of Queens fan! I love her show because with all the trash TV out there showing girls my age and older doing very immature and stupid things, I love a show that challenges us to do good! Not just do good, but change the world! Through a mutual acquaintance, my mom met someone connected with the show who asked us to make an appearance at his sisters dance school.
What I love about this stop is it started off sorta rocky, BUT it turned into one of the best stops! See, I got a little nervous because I happened to check their website and saw It wasn’t just opened to the dance school, it was also opened to the local cheerleaders! I was trying really hard not to be nervous when I got there and saw so many beautiful, talented girls in front of me. But I was..not just nervous, I was scared.
I started talking about bullying, how important conditioning is and having and living big! I led them in the weekly “TheStrengthIsInUs” cheerFIT challenge – pushup planks! My FAVORITE! This group had some fierce girls in it! The thing was, they wanted more! Lots more! I wasn’t sure what to do, but my mom really encouraged me to remember who I was! I knew more than just the weekly challenge, I knew the cheerFIT DVD! I participated in many of the cheerFIT challenges. I did what I knew Ms. Danielle would have me to do, I put on a smile and flew by the seat of my spankies! I led the girls in a 30 minuet intense cardio session putting all the cheerFIT challenges together with 30 second active rests in between. I loved it! I was so proud of them! They hung in there with me..all of them!
We took a small break and I led the group in exercises Ms Danielle taught me to improve jumps! I paired up with this sweet little girl who is apart of Pirouettes competition dance team named Sara Grace! Look out world..this girl is awesome!
Working with the amazing Sara Grace Paulk on toe touches
She is 100% the real deal! After working on our kicks and jumps, I hosted a jump off! Cody Smith and Mrs. Sabrina, the owner of Pirouettes was so gracious to help me judge the girls. After a long fought battle of toe touches, the top winners were Sara Grace and Maitlyn Wright in the 10 and under group and I simply couldn’t choose between Reese Morgans toe touches and Brayden Chambliss’s Hurdlers! And they both have amazing pikes! McKenzie Edge is one to be mentioned in this group! She is working so hard and I loved her determination! I also really want to do a special shout out to Shelby Smith! are amazing! You are beautiful, you are special, you are talented, you are FIERCE!
Haters are going to hate, no matter what you do! Bullies only have one goal, to pull you down to make themselves feel better! Don’t ever stop being you!
Afterwards, I had the privledge of posing for photos with each and everyone of these wonderful girls! They all touched my heart so much and I really want to thank Mrs. Sabrina for taking the time to work with me on a little dance number for my solo’s this coming season in All Stars! She is really a talented, loving dance teacher. But I love that she’s strict and she really puts conditioning into their daily workouts which is what cheerFIT is all about!
If you aren’t conditioning, how are you ever going to have the core strength to control your body? If you don’t control your body, you can’t control your tumbling? If you have no endurance, how are you going to go full out for 2 minuets and 30 seconds on the mat?
Thank you Mrs. Sabrina, the dancers at Pirouetes Dance Studio in Ocilla, and the Ben Hill Middle School Cheerleaders for having me, working out with me, dancing with me and for allowing me to call you all my new friends!
Next week I am off to Atlanta and then heading back to Tn.
Love, Hugs and Backhandsprings
Eden Lucie

Eden is a 10 year old All Star Cheerleader and Power tumbler from Carthage, Tn. Eden’s passion is tumble and cheerleading and her future goals are to continue with All Stars, while cheering in Jr high, high school and onto College. Eden is a straight A student and participates in numerous charities and true believe of fitness.