Hello my fellow Cheerfit lovers!
Hope you are having a great summer and training hard for the up coming season! I have had zero down time since my last stop in Alabama. My first weekend in Tallahassee, I made an apperance at the American Lung Association’s walk in Tallahassee representing Team CVS! I came in first for team CVS and it was a great time spent with my Aunt Shelly who is the Manager of one of their stores and my cousin Devin who also walked for our team! I have also spent the past week training my tail off at what has become my home away from home, Cheer Nation Athletics in Tallahassee, Fl!
Cheer Nation is owned by Dana Brown and let me tell you, this place is awesome! I wanted to make sure while I was on tour, I could continue my training. Cheer Nation came highly recommended and boy it did not disappoint! Cheer Nation’s opened their arms big and wide to not just me, but my entire family! My main coaches have been Dana Brown and Korey Tuarez.
I’m not sure which one to brag about first! Decisions ….Decisions! Dana was an All Star in Key West. He then Cheered all 4 years for FSU on the Co Ed squad. At the same time he was coaching at an All Star cheer gym and Tallahassee Community College, and then went on to coach at FSU. In 2013, he opened Cheer Nation! My next Coach is Korey Tuarez. Ever heard of an All Star program named Top Gun?! Well Korey is a former 2x worlds champion member! He is an amazing tumbler! The passes he throws just makes my mouth hang open! He is attending FSU and because he loved All Star so much, he’s at Cheer Nation coaching. I seriously can not say enough about either of them! They have made being away from home so much easier! I’ve loved every second of training with them!
Wednesday was a big day for me at Cheer Nation! During my private with Dana, this beautiful woman walks in and starts dancing! She asked for Dana and I to help her with a routine she’s working on. I had no idea I was working with a former FSU Goldengirl and coach Shannon Dobbins! That night, I was invited back to Cheer Nations open gym. Who’s on the floor? FSU’s coed squad! Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a huge FSU Fan and hope to cheer for them one day! Dana brought them into his office and introduced me. They really wanted to know what the tour was about and were so excited to hear about the Cheerfit program! A few of them continued to talk to me and helped me with my tumbling. I was even taught how to throw level 4 layouts that night!
This Blog is going to be a bit different because I want to share some lessons I’ve learned on the road.
- First. Don’t ever quit! Especially when people would understand if you did, don’t quit! When I first got to Tallahassee, I found out my Papaw was dying. He had a massive stroke in April and we thought he was getting better. He was actually getting worse and he is in hospice. Ms. Danielle, my Power Athletics family and my Cheer Nation Coaches have been wonderful! They all said they’d understand if I needed to stop or wanted to quit. But that’s not me and that’s not my family legacy!
- The 2nd most important lesson I’ve learned is No matter how scared you are…GO FOR IT! You will never know the opportunities and moments you would miss out on if you quit because it was scary! Nothing worth having is ever going to come easy!
This week I will continue my training at Cheer Nation between appearances in Fitzgerald Ga and Ft Walton Beach, Fl. Next week, we begin heading South.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Love, Hugs and back handsprings
Eden Lucie

Eden is a 10 year old All Star Cheerleader and Power tumbler from Carthage, Tn. Eden’s passion is tumble and cheerleading and her future goals are to continue with All Stars, while cheering in Jr high, high school and onto College. Eden is a straight A student and participates in numerous charities and true believe of fitness.