
Jumps… ahhh. You know that dreading feeling you get when it’s time to do the jump section over and over and over and over? Not anymore! Now is the time to embrace them! Having good jumps can definitely set your cheerleader apart from the rest of the pack. As the fitness expert for cheerleaders, I am here to give my tips and dispel some common rumors I hear about jumps.

 Here are my top 5 things to know about jumps (that you wish you knew before)! 


Never sacrifice height in your jump for your technique. Drilling technique constantly will not only make a big difference now, but also as your jumps get higher, you will be able to hyperextend by already having mastered the basics! Here is a great exercise to help you embrace technique and strengthen your legs so that you CAN jump higher!


Many of us may be under the impression that flexibility is the only contributing factor to jump height. While flexibility can help your jumps and stretching should never be devalued, hip flexor strength is VITAL to how high you can bring your legs. Think about it like your hips having the ability to lift your legs all the way up into your jump. Here is one of my personal favorite exercises to strengthen your hip flexors! Do 10 reps each side x 3 rounds


Don’t discount this part of your jump. Especially when you are going to be connecting your jumps, make sure you’re are squeezing and tight in your set. Also, don’t let your feet leave the ground in your set, that slows your momentum and lessens your jump height. Making purposeful set will make transitioning in your connecting jumps and breeze and blow your coaches away! 


For the same reasons the set is important, connecting jump sequences depend on good landings. Landing on your heels is a sure way to give you premature back pain and no fluidity in your sequence. Land on the balls of your feet for good take off into the next jump or tumbling and soft landings!



Last but not least, stay positive! This goes for everything in life, but especially cheerleading! Cheerleading is a sport built on perfectionism, but here at CHEERFIT, we focus on building confidence every step of the way! Your cheerleader is never going to hit it perfect the first time, nor should they! Skills come AND last when you build the foundation first! When you have a solid foundation and strengthen the muscles you need to power up those jumps, your cheerleader’s jumps umps will continue to advance and their confidence will continue to soar! Who is with us on that one? I that’s a YES, check out what being a CHEERFIT Ambassador is all about (www.cheerfittraining.com/join).

A lot of what CHEERFIT promotes is positivity and being a role model to your teammates and beyond. If your child’s teammates see that they are loving jumps and having fun, it will encourage them to work hard as well!

Loving these exercises and feeling CHEERFIT STRONG??

And there you have it, my top 5 tips to help your cheerleader get HIGHER JUMPS in 3,2,1…GO! Let me know your favorite tip in the comments below!

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is the go-to fitness expert for the cheerleading industry and founder of CHEERFIT (www.cheerfittraining.com). Danielle holds national fitness certifications through the American Council on Exercise and specializes in sports conditioning, youth fitness, and group fitness as it pertains specifically to cheerleaders. Danielle has been featured on NBC,Inside Cheerleading Magazine, FITNESS Magazine, Livestrong, Yahoo Beauty, NY Post, American Cheerleader Magazine and more. Through fitness, Danielle focuses on helping cheerleaders build the confidence, strength, and flexibility they need to reach their goals and prevent injury.